ing he "wrongfully and maliciously society) was organized homosexuals

teen-agers to contact with homosexuals."


declared (the and exposed


In the meantime all three daily papers the Chronicle, San Francisco Examinor and News-Call Bulletin called upon Wolden to "get out of the race", claiming he had bo smirohed the name of San Francisco and was unfit for the position of Mayor.

Wolden supporters fell off the bandwagon in droves, among them candidates running on the Democratio ticket with him.

His big financial backers met to consider the situation. They agreed to continue their support, although they did not seem too happy with the way the campaign was being conducted. In fact, one took a paid ad in the NewsCall Bulletin which stated "I do not always agree with everything Russell Wolden says but I will defend to the death his right to say it."


The following week Wolden attacked the three daily newspapers through a radio speech and in the Progress. He told the public they had seen "the steam-roller of an arrogant press racing at full throttle to destroy a man." He referred to the exclusively pro-Christopher tone of the stories in the dailies.

Coverage of the story in the papers was full and complete following publication of the first article in the Progress. But the news fell off after October 15, the day following Woldon's charge against the press. Since that time ono is hard put to find the situati on mentioned.

Strangest of all is the almost complete lack of "letters to the editor" in any of the daily press.


Although the news in the press quieted down, other forces woro at work. A four-page letter-sized pamphlet was dis-